Hello readers! I'm Kathleen Mackenzie, a New Jersey native and a junior at USC with a double major in International Business and Marketing and a minor in Spanish. At Carolina I keep myself busy in a number of organizations. I'm a sister of Alpha Gamma Delta, a member of the South
Carolina Honors College, an initiate of Omicron Delta Kappa, and a
contributing writer for Her Campus South Carolina. However, I'm saying adios to all of this and hola to EspaƱa because starting January 5th, I will be spending just under five months studying at the University of Navarra in Pamplona, Spain. For those who don't know, Pamplona is located in Northern Spain, approximately an hour from the French border and is most famous for hosting the Running of the Bulls every summer. While I will not be in Spain for this festival, I'm looking forward to exploring everything that this historic city has to offer. I invite you to follow along with my adventures and follies, and thank any and all readers for your support!