Saturday, January 3, 2015

Count Down to Take Off

At roughly 35 hours from departure, I'm struck with two contrasting emotions: total excitement and overwhelming nervousness. I've known that I would spend the spring of my junior year abroad since I arrived at USC as it is a requirement of my International Business major. For the past three years I have anxiously waited to find out to which school I would be assigned and into what culture I would be immersed. Now that the time is almost upon me, I truly couldn't be more excited. I fell in love with UNAV while researching schools in Spain (Check out this video to see why! ), and was ecstatic when I learned that it would be my study abroad university. Pamplona is a beautiful old Spanish city with gorgeous architecture and gardens everywhere, and from across the Atlantic seems to leave little to be desired. However, despite my excitement over my upcoming adventure, I can't deny the pre-departure jitters that are just starting to set in.
            In my opinion, it's pretty natural to be a little nervous before spending a semester abroad. After all, there are only two other USC students going to UNAV, I will have to speak primarily in Spanish, the academic system is set up very differently, and I found my flatmates on Facebook. All in all, that's a lot of change and admittedly a lot that could go wrong. That being said, I'm focusing on all of the positive aspects that come along with these challenges. I'll have the opportunity to make a lot of new friends, practice my Spanish, have a first-hand experience with the European education system, and learn if finding flatmates on Facebook is a recommendable life choice. The way I see it, everything may not go perfectly, but this semester is going to be an adventure.
            While much of my Spanish adventure remains a mystery, there is one aspect of European travel on which I now consider myself an expert: packing. I am not a “travel light” kind of girl, so I found the one checked bag limitation of British Airways a little troubling. I just can’t help but try to pack my whole closet. What can I say, I like my clothes. My saving grace turned out to be the Ziploc Airtight Space Bags. Plenty of space and not a cardigan sacrificed. I highly recommend them to all travelers with a penchant for over packing.

            Now that I have my packing done and all of my papers in order, all that’s left is to wait for the next 35 hours to go by. Next time I post it will be from Spain! Adios and thanks for reading! 

Very Sad Before Picture

Wonderful After Picture with Miracle Bags

1 comment:

  1. Kathleen,

    Looking forward to following you on this journey via your blog. Thanks for sharing!

    Much love,
